
Had I been asked about this kind of writing before I met Andrea Zittlau, I would have frowned at the concept. Lists are only for things with numbers and many details following them. It was only after she shared with me zines of the work collections she has been doing that I opened my mind….

Side Chic

I have abandoned the many homes familiar to me since the beginning of this year. My writing, bits of myself, and majorly the place I live. The last quarter of 2022 if we are really really chewing the honest bone to get to the marrow. I would be in the place I call my house for…

Over and Over

You can feel it coming. Even as the readying of the journey to you is planned. Hardworking, quiet, deliberate. Possessing qualities we have been taught to admire as they demonstrate obedience. It is the familiarity. You have become so accustomed to the ways you open your arms and body to envelope it when it knocks….


As humans, we are conditioned to notice people in similar predicaments to us. They are usually in a slightly different light but very close in nature to what we are or going through. If you are an observer like me, you will notice the bounce back of the fashion trend, hipsters or what others commonly…

Grey Game

Disclaimer: (This right here, in the history of To be deleted you have met on the internet, is the most likely To be deleted. It was written in the heart of Corona virus when masks were going for Ksh100 before their downfall to mere Ksh5 to no shillings at all if you get those Promo…

The B-word

We are not talking. Correction: We are not talking to each other. I am talking to people other than you. You are speaking to others who are not me. On the night I tried to offer a reconciliation, the next morning Muslims were meant to wake in the wee hours to have their debut wali…


I think about madness sometimes. The degree of it swirling in the functionality of my brain. The times I am giddy to slow music of cells jiggling to the percentages ingested through depths in bottles of wine poured carefully into glasses strutting out long stems. Shots of whiskey eliciting the kuchangamka effect to arouse the…


May contain a pinch of trigger. The steeling you will want is of having things figured out. Being able to answer the question, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” without batting an eyelid, minus the uhms, uhs marked with unnecessary clearing of the throat. And definitely, without lying about it to secure an…

Isaiah 1:18

Happy New Year!Yes, we are on the 2222 vibrations! Since we are beginning the year, it is only right to set my resolutions since the other year began, this same 2022 for you and none of that was put down for me. I may do many things. I may end up doing nothing at all…


“For which man willingly submits himself to death in order to see how well he us mourned?” ~Francis D.Imbuga, Shrine of Tears This is not a suicide note/letter/entry. But hey, we didn’t learn probability in the 8-4-4 for nothing, no? Also, maybe you, reading this is from the IGCSE system, care to tell if y’all…